Tixafly Cattle Dip and Spray
Controls susceptible cattle tick (Boophilus microplus) including chlorinated hydrocarbon, organophosphate and amidine resistant ticks. Does not control Parkhurst Strain. Controls buffalo fly (Haematobia irritans exigua) and New Zealand Cattle Tick (Haemaphysalis longicornis). Applied by plunge dipping, spray races and hand spraying.

- Highly effective against most known strains of resistant cattle tick, including; Biarra, Mt. Alford, Mackay, Ridgelands and the Ulam strain. Spray or dip at 21 day intervals beginning in spring and continue until infestation is light.
- Highly effective in the control of susceptible Buffalo Fly.
- May be used in hard or soft water.
Trade Advice
Category: External Parasites
Species: Beef Cattle
Active: 125g/L Ethion, 25g/L Deltamethrin
Pack Size: 5L, 20L
Withholding Periods: Meat = Nil, ESI = 21 days, Milk = Do not use in lactating dairy cattle
Storage: Store below 30 degrees
APVMA: 45981
Dose Rate
Charging: 1 L/500L water. Topping Up/Replenishment: When plunge dip volume falls by up to 400L add 1L Tixafly and 400L water. Constant replenishment spray race systems should be used and add 250ml Tixafly and 100L water for every fall of 100L. Hand-spraying: Add 400ml Tixafly to 200L water and use approximately 10L of wash per beast.
Services & Supports
Industry Affiliations
Industry Affiliations
MSD Animal Health Australia
Allflex Livestock Intelligence