Tasvax 8 in 1
Sheep: For active immunisation of sheep against Pulpy Kidney, Lamb Dysentery, Malignant Oedema/Gas Gangrene, Blackleg, Black Disease, Tetanus, Swelled head in rams and post parturient gangrene in ewes. Cattle: For active immunisation of cattle against Pulpy Kidney, Haemorrhagic Enterotoxaemia, Maglignant Oedema, Blackleg, Black Disease, Redwater and Tetanus

- 12 months Pulpy Kidney protection.
- Lambs and calves can be vaccinated from 2 weeks of age.
- Vaccination of pregnant ewes and cows can confer passive immunity via colostrum of young lambs and calves from vaccinated mothers.
- Duration of protection by passive immunity in lambs is 2 weeks for C. septicum and C. chauvoei, and up to 12 weeks for all other antigens.
- Duration of passive protection in calves is up to 2 weeks for C. haemolyticum, 8 weeks for C. septicum and C. chauvoei, and 12 weeks for all other antigens.
- Revaccination is required every 12 months.
Trade Advice
Category: Clostridial Vaccine
Species: Sheep and Beef and Dairy Cattle
Active: Clostridium perfringens (Type D), Cl chauvoei, Clostridum perfringens (Type B), Cl haemolyticum, Clostridium perfringens (Type C), Cl septicum, Cl novyi (Type B), Cl tetani
Pack Size: 500mL
Withholding Periods: Meat = Nil, Milk = Nil, ESI = Nil
Storage: Store between 2°C – 8°C (Refrigerate. Do not freeze)
APVMA: 64083
Dose Rate
Subcutaneous injection only. Cattle 5mL per head initially twice 4-6 weeks apart followed by annual booster.
Sheep under 8 weeks of age 2mL followed by booster 4-6 weeks later and a second booster no later than 6 months after the first dose.
Sheep over 8 weeks of age initial dose of 5ml followed by a 2ml booster 4-6 weeks later and an annual 2ml booster
Refer to label for information regarding timing of vaccination prior to parturition.
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Industry Affiliations
MSD Animal Health Australia
Allflex Livestock Intelligence